Red Hook - Very narrow two way roads, really wide two roads, bike lanes, trucks, Traffic lights, stop signs, all way sign, dead end streets, T streets, Stop signs in funny places, turning lanes, do not enter, one way roads that become two way roads, pedestrians, bikes, moderate traffic, light pedestrian traffic
Should you take your road test here? It’s ok. It’s doable. You need to be very observant when pulling out of parking spots, very observant at blind corners, be ready to stop if surprised by an approaching vehicle, have good spatial awareness/judgment on narrow roads, be able to properly evaluate odd intersections and pavement markings that you may not be familiar with. The area is near downtown brooklyn but closer to the Gowanus side of the Brooklyn Queens Expressway but is away from any of the heavier traffic. Relatively quiet area, near the water and Ikea. It is also near several parks, soccer fields and Red Hook Recreation Center. Traffic in this area is usually driving within the local speed limit.
Nearby Trains:
Location to put in gps:
Rating: 3.0
Starrett City - (Right side) Loops, curved roads, extremely wide roads , moderate traffic, multi-lane roads (Flatlands and Pennsylvania avenues), bus lane, bike lanes, turning lanes, stop signs, traffic lights, light pedestrian traffic.
(Left side) Multi-lane roads, Turning lanes, turning arrows, traffic lights, very narrow two way roads with no lane markings, wide roads, all way stop signs, stop signs, blind corners, bike lanes, light pedestrian traffic.
This test site is in East New York, Brooklyn and is in the same area as Gateway Mall. The road test normally starts on Flatlands ave and occasionally you may have to deal with mall traffic. The speeds of the traffic on Flatlands Ave often exceeds the local speed limit.
It’s doable but not my favorite. If your road test examiners takes you into Starett City which borders are Flatlands ave, Van Siclen Ave, the Belt Parkway and Flatlands Ave then your road test will be comparable to some of the easier test sites in NYC. (The road test examiners take most people in this direction.)
But if they take you away from Starrett City, where you do most of your driving on the north side of Flatlands Ave and south of Linden Blvd, then the road test becomes a little bit more challenging. It’s still doable on that side but you have to be prepared to switch lanes in heavy traffic, be able to recognize very narrow two way roads that appear to be one way roads and make left turns at busy intersections.
Nearby public transportation: 3 Train
Rating: (Right side) 3.8; (Left side) 2.5
Beverly Rd - all way stop signs, normal stop signs, traffic lights, bike lanes, bus lanes, turning lanes
This is a pretty good area. It’s located in East Flatbush, Brooklyn. It’s right next to ___ Cemetery on Schenectady ave between Beverly Rd and Tilden Ave.
Traffic in this area is moderate and normally drives within the speed limit. Some drivers can be aggressive and impatient, so keep your head on a swivel and be ready to stop. The test starts on Schenectady ave next to a cemetery that is popular with joggers and people looking to stay fit so look for pedestrians when pulling out into traffic. There are few busy, heavily trafficked roads in the area but the examiners mostly stay off those roads but just in case, get some practice on roads like Utica ave. There is one tricky road located on East 57th st between Tilden and Snyder Avenues. It’s a very narrow two way road with no lane markings. This road is relatively far from the test starting point, so the chances that your examiner will take you to this road is pretty low. East 53rd st is a very wide one way road. The tricky thing about these roads, is that when you have a very wide one road, it is easy to mistake it for a two way road and when you have a very narrow two way road, it is easy to mistake it for a one road. These kinds of mistakes can lead to test takers turning into the wrong lane. Otherwise this area is fairly straightforward and does not pose that many challenges. The traffic on Schenectady Ave ranges from moderate to slightly busy but the surrounding roads are relatively quiet.
This is one of my preferred test sites.
Traffic in this area is usually driving within the local speed limit
Nearest transportation: 3,4 Train(Utica Ave), B46, B35, B8
Rating: 4.2
Seaview - all way stop signs, normal stop signs, traffic lights, bike lanes, dead end streets, wide roads
There’s not that many tricky things in this area. It’s very quiet. Traffic volume is low and pedestrian traffic is very low. You will most likely have to change lanes in this area but there is almost no traffic so it should be relatively easy. Sometimes students get confused at the dead end road intersection, so make sure you are clear how to handle this intersection. There are lane markings at this intersection so when in doubt follow the arrows. There’s a lot of all way stop signs here, so get lots of practice on those.
This is my favorite road test area in Brooklyn.
Location: Canarsie on Seaview Ave. facing East 104st. Very close to the Canarsie Pier
Traffic in this area is usually driving within the local speed limit
Nearest transportation: L Train(Rockaway Ave), B
Rating: 4.5
had your
how long?
Coney Island - Winding roads, Curved roads, Stop signs, Traffic lights, narrow roads, do not enter signs
Fairly simple area but you have to be comfortable on very narrow two way roads and able to navigate winding roads without going into areas of the road that prohibit traffic. Sometimes you have to pull over or stop to let another vehicle pass. Practice on narrow two way roads.
There is almost no other traffic and almost no pedestrian traffic
It’s not a bad area but just a bit out of the way to get too.
Located in Coney Island, Brooklyn New York.
Traffic in this area is usually driving within the local speed limit
Nearest transportation:
Rating: 3.5